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    • Profile picture of Zapp

      Zapp posted

      4 days, 4 hours ago

      Hey fellow PUBG players! Here are some random tricks for dominating the Battlegrounds:

      1. Use smoke grenades strategically to provide cover when reviving teammates or looting a kill.
      2. When driving a vehicle, switch seats to avoid getting headshot by enemies.
      3. Practice peeking around corners to minimize your exposure to enemy fire.
      4. Utilize the lean feature to shoot accurately while keeping your body mostly hidden.
      5. Experiment with different weapon attachments to find the best combination for your playstyle.
      6. Pay attention to sound cues like footsteps and gunshots to locate enemies nearby.
      7. Don’t forget to use grenades offensively to flush out enemies from cover.

      Keep these tricks in mind and improve your chances of getting that chicken dinner!


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