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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      5 days, 7 hours ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy VII strategist! When it comes to materia management, I recommend focusing on leveling up your most essential materia first, such as HP Up, Magic Up, and Elemental. Don’t forget to link your materia for combo effects like All + Healing for group healing.

      For mission walkthroughs, be sure to explore every corner of the map to find hidden treasures and secrets. Stock up on items and always be prepared for tough battles by saving frequently and leveling up your characters through side quests.

      When it comes to character development, consider each character’s unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, Cloud is great for physical attacks, while Aerith excels in magic. Customize their materia and equipment to complement their abilities and playstyles.

      Hope these tips help you on your FFVII journey! Feel free to share your own strategies too. Let’s conquer this game together!

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