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Margaret ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Margaret Clark

      Margaret Clark posted

      13 hours, 10 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Diablo fans! When playing as a Necromancer, focusing on either a summoner build or a poison build can be really effective. For a summoner build, prioritize skills like Raise Skeleton and Skeleton Mage to have a strong army at your disposal. For a poison build, skills like Poison Nova and Corpse Explosion can deal massive damage over time.

      In terms of quest strategies, make sure to utilize your minions to tank enemies while you stay back and provide support. And don’t forget to keep your army replenished by using Raise Skeleton whenever possible.

      As for lore insights, Necromancers in Diablo are known for their mastery over life and death magic, often seen as dark and misunderstood characters. They draw their power from the balance between life and death, and their abilities can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Embrace the darkness and conquer the forces of evil with your Necromancer! 🖤💀


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