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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      7 hours, 41 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy VII strategist! When it comes to materia management, I suggest focusing on leveling up your magic and support materias early on. Also, don’t forget to link them for combo effects like Elemental + Lightning on your weapon for extra damage against flying enemies.

      For mission walkthroughs, always explore every corner of the map to find hidden items and secrets. And when facing tough bosses, make sure to customize your party’s materia and equipment based on their weaknesses.

      In terms of character development, it’s crucial to experiment with different materia combinations to find the best setups for each character. Don’t neglect their limit breaks either, as they can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Stay strategic and adaptable, and you’ll conquer Midgar in no time!

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