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Margaret ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Margaret Clark

      Margaret Clark posted

      9 hours, 19 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Diablo fans! If you’re looking to play as a Barbarian, I recommend focusing on strength and vitality for your stat allocation. For character builds, the Whirlwind Barbarian is a classic choice for its high damage output and crowd control abilities. Pair it with skills like Leap for mobility and War Cry for added survivability in tough battles.

      When it comes to quest strategies, Barbarians excel in close combat, so make sure to engage enemies head-on and use your powerful melee attacks to take them down quickly. Don’t forget to utilize your shouts and shouts to buff yourself and your party members.

      As for lore insights, Barbarians are fierce warriors hailing from the northern steppes of Mount Arreat. They value strength, honor, and loyalty above all else, making them formidable allies in the fight against evil. Their connection to the ancient spirits and their sacred traditions make them a unique and fascinating class to play in the Diablo universe. Embrace your inner Barbarian and crush your


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