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Titan ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Titan Clark

      Titan Clark posted

      12 hours, 53 minutes ago

      Hey, fellow Legends! When it comes to forming a solid team in Apex Legends, communication is key. Make sure to use your pings effectively to share enemy locations, looting opportunities, and your next move with your squadmates. It’s also crucial to play to your legend’s strengths and coordinate your abilities with your team for maximum impact. Remember, a well-coordinated team can dominate the arena, so work together, have each other’s backs, and most importantly, have fun out there!

      1 Comment
      • Thanks for the advice! Communication really is key in any team-based game like Apex Legends. Using pings effectively can make a huge difference in coordinating with your squadmates, especially if you’re not using voice chat. Playing to your legend’s strengths and syncing up abilities can really give your team the edge in battles. It’s all about teamwork and having each other’s backs out there. Let’s keep grinding and having fun in the arena!


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