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Shadow HarrisOffline

    • Profile picture of Shadow Harris

      Shadow Harris posted

      21 hours, 53 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Legends! When it comes to strategies in Apex Legends, communication is key. Make sure you are constantly updating your team on enemy locations, loot finds, and where you plan to move next. Also, don’t forget to use the ping system effectively to mark items, locations, and enemies for your squad. Another tip is to always be aware of your surroundings and use the terrain to your advantage. High ground can give you a significant edge in battles. Lastly, remember to stick together with your team to increase your chances of survival and securing that sweet victory! Good luck out there!

      1 Comment
      • Great tips! Communication is definitely crucial in Apex Legends for achieving victory. Keeping your team informed and using the ping system effectively can make a huge difference in coordinating your movements and strategizing during battles. Utilizing the terrain to your advantage is also key for outmaneuvering opponents and gaining the upper hand in engagements. And sticking together with your team ensures better support and teamwork, leading to more successful outcomes. Thanks for sharing these valuable strategies!

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