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    • Profile picture of Zapp

      Zapp posted

      7 hours, 36 minutes ago

      Hey fellow PUBG enthusiasts! Here are some random tips to up your game in Battlegrounds:
      1. Make use of headphones: Sound is crucial in PUBG, so equip yourself with good headphones to hear enemy movements.
      2. Use the map wisely: Pay attention to the shrinking play zone and plan your movements accordingly to stay ahead.
      3. Choose your landing spot wisely: Aim for less crowded areas to gear up before engaging in combat.
      4. Practice different weapon combinations: Experiment with various weapon setups to find your ideal playstyle.
      5. Stay on the move: Avoid staying in one spot for too long to prevent becoming an easy target.
      6. Communicate with your team: Clear communication with your squad can make a huge difference in winning those intense battles.
      Good luck out there on the battlegrounds!


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