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Sarah MartinOffline

    • Profile picture of Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin posted

      19 hours, 22 minutes ago

      Hey fellow adventurers! When it comes to gear optimization in FFXIV raids, it’s crucial to prioritize the right stats for your role. Make sure to focus on getting gear with the main stat that benefits your job the most, whether it’s Strength for physical DPS, Intelligence for magical DPS, Vitality for tanks, or Mind for healers.

      Secondary stats can also make a big difference, so pay attention to substats like Critical Hit Rate, Direct Hit Rate, Determination, and depending on your job, Spell Speed or Skill Speed. While having the highest item level gear is important, sometimes a lower item level piece with better stat distribution can be more beneficial.

      Don’t forget about melding materia onto your gear to further customize your stats. Always aim to cap your main stat and then focus on enhancing your critical hit rate or direct hit rate for a damage boost. Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to maximizing your performance in raids!

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